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With the Abysmal Economic Situation in Sierra Leone… Will Citizens Vote For Change or Continuity?

With the Abysmal Economic Situation in Sierra Leone… Will Citizens Vote For Change or Continuity?

With the Abysmal Economic Situation in Sierra Leone…

Will Citizens Vote For Change or Continuity?

By David Johnson

When Sierra Leoneans voted for Bio in 2018, it was out of the desire for change to their living conditions, but five years on have they got this change? President Bio is seeking for a second term and is appealing to the electorate to give him another five years to continue the work he has been doing, but has he delivered the much talked about bread and butter issue? Amidst the biting hardship and economic downturn, will the electorate vote for continuity or will they vote for change, which was the very reason for voting in Bio?

Judging by the look of things, Bio has not been able to change the living conditions of the people, instead, things have become worse, with the cost of living becoming unbearable for the ordinary citizen. Cost of food stuff has gone up by almost 300%, resulting in many families unable to cope and husbands unable to put food on the table for their families. This disgruntlement is observed across the board and has led to citizens calling again for a change.

It could be recalled that the Bio regime, when in opposition, had promised to bring about a change in the lives of citizens. They promised prudent financial management, but the contrary is the case. Today, the dollar has gone out of control, with the Leone depreciating at break-neck speed, resulting in a regular unabated increase in the cost of living, exacerbated by the stagnant salary situation of the workforce. Prior to the 2018 elections, Bio promised to reduce the wage bill, cut down on international traveling etc, but when in power he threw all those promises out of the window. He appointed a bloated cabinet, introduced new MDAs, increased salaries of appointees, which resulted in huge disparity between civil servants and appointees. As for the international traveling, Bio has set the record of being the only President that this country has had that has travelled the highest in its history. These travels have not gone without cost on the economy, as both the President and his entourage collect per diem from these trips paid for from the consolidated fund. To make matters worse, when the people complained, Bio taunted them by saying that he will continue to fly, which has been interpreted as insensitivity to the plight of the people.

Bio promised to plug all the leakages, but under his watch the country’s Audit Agency has recorded the highest ever unaccounted funds. Failed economic policies have been introduced that have crippled the economy, with the government now introducing austerity policies at the eleventh hour. The increase in taxes and removal of waivers on imported rice and agricultural machinery, ban on international traveling etc. These, economists say, are austerity measures, but the government has stopped short of telling the people that it had declared austerity. Showing another sign of insensitivity to the plight of the people, the executive have virtually paid themselves their gratuity and this has led Parliament to demand their own through an unpopular Welfare Bill surreptitiously passed as Parliament Act, which is before the President for his assent.

Amidst all these, nothing has been lined up to address the rather precarious economic situation that is hitting the people so hard. As Bio calls for continuity, isl the electorate prepared to go through another five years of hell or will they be voting for change to their lives? Only time will tell.


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