As He was Brutally Attacked… Abdul Escapes Wrath of Death from Society Men

By Adizzo Kay
This Media House was reliably informed that Abdul C. Koroma who was residing in Dompa Line, Lunsar- Northern province of Sierra Leone was fiercely attacked in the evening hours by hard hearted secret society Men belonging to the Poro society.
According to reliable sources, the late father of Abdul C. Koroma, Osman Koroma fondly called “pa Yamba” was renowned among stakeholders in the Poro society but had eventually passed on. He died on 23rd September 2015 and it was the very day Abdul escaped from the cruel Poro society Men for fear not to be initiated. According to their tradition, the eldest son of the family must replace the late father who was prominently known and respected but Abdul was not ready to be part of that arrangement at all, they say. Investigations mounted reveal that Abdul’s eldest brother, who was the first son of Pa Yamba was initiated but unfortunately died during the process. People who witnessed that horrible scene updated this Media Practitioner that, that is another strong reason why Abdul C. Koroma was vehemently refusing to join the Poro society. Information gathered reveal that sometime in 2015, gallant Men believed to belong to the Poro society approached Abdul C. Koroma and was violently taken to their Poro society bush called patekorr for immediate initiation and at the same time, a better replacement for his late Dad who they were referring to as their Hero.
Furthermore, eye witnesses disclosed that as he was fighting to protect himself from their hostile beating and initiation, he felt severe pain on his back as if he was heavily knocked down with a heavy stick by a strange person and eventually fell down unconsciously. This was updated that someone advised and urged him to leave that particular vicinity after he had regained consciousness. The person they say informed Koroma that the society Men thought that he had died and they left the scene. However, a young Man called Musa, endeavoured to hire a taxi for Abdul and was taken to Pamalap though he was still experiencing serious pains coupled with confusion and frustration, not knowing exactly what had happened to him. This Writer was made to understand that Abdul spent a week at Pamalap hoping that his family will go in desperate search of him. However, this Writer was informed that nothing of a sort had happened. It was unearthed that on 14th October 2015 in the evening hours, he was attacked again by aggressive Poro society Men and that his entire compound was surrounded and was later captured. He was thrown up in the air several times, performing some ceremonies that made him scared and commanded him to work with them. Information reaching this Newspaper stated that he was forcefully taken to the Poro society bush and whilst he was trying to escape from them, the same unbearable pains erupted and went into deep slumber due to heavy pains he sustained during torture. Moreover, they affirmed to the Indigenes Newspaper that the society Men left him in the custody of a strange Man to be looking after him.
Fortunately, it was intimated that the Guard that was left to look after him decided to help him out before he got initiated. The assigned Guard hired him a taxi that took him off that dreadful scene before they could come back and harm him. Sources intimated that Abdul was shocked when he regained consciousness and found himself in a car because his waist bone was injured and was neither able to walk nor doing anything with it. By and large, this Writer investigated that Abdul C. Koroma, the second son of late Fatu Bangura is made to understand that he is still languishing in Pamalap. Abdul, they say updated this Medium that he fought his way out but there was no luck for him and so he decided to join the Libya route for survival. This Writer was further informed that in Libya, Abdul experienced a broken waist bone adding that he did not know the whereabout of his family due to the abrupt manner he was attacked. His wife and junior brother, Alhassan they confirmed, ran away to save their lives. And that the driver who took him to Pamalap reassured that there was no one at home and that the tension to initiate more members into the Poro society has escalated. The society Men were desperately searching for him for fear of not revealing their secret.
Conclusively, this Reporter captured that Abdul finally evacuated on 14th October 2016 for fear of the wrath of death , as the Poro Society Men are still bitter and desperately searching to wipe him off.