News and Current Affairs

Over the death of 6 Sierra Leonean Ladies in Lebanon… The True Story Emerges

Over the death of 6 Sierra Leonean Ladies in Lebanon… The True Story Emerges

Over the death of 6 Sierra Leonean Ladies in Lebanon…

The True Story Emerges

By Kelvin Jay

When the news broke out about the death of 6 SierraLeoneans ladies in Lebanon, Voice of Salone Newspaper conducted an investigation to get into the root causes of the incident.

From our investigation, it came out glaringly that the problem boiled down on the failure of the ladies to pay their house rent for the premises they were occupying in Lebanon.

It was disclosed to this Press that at one point in time the landlord of the house where 6 of the deceased were living    approached the occupants for payment of their house rents, but they reneged owing to the fact that they hadn’t received their salaries from their workplace.

The ladies apologized for the delay and promised to pay their house rent as soon they received their salaries from their workplace, but the landlord refused to accept their pleas.

In that event, the owners of the house took upon themselves  and removed all of the properties of the ladies out of the house and packed them in the compound. Upon doing so, the ladies still refused to leave the house, because according to them, they did not have any place to go.

That same day after the owners of the house had forcefully evicted the ladies out of the house by throwing out their properties; they went to sleep, leaving the entrance door opened; the ladies then took the opportunity and entered the house where they slept until the next day.

Whilst they were in the house up to the following day, the ladies saw three Lebanese men who covered their faces with face masks, suspected to be on an assigned mission.

Few minutes after they set eyes on them; they had a strange noise coming from the house like a bomb blast, and by the time they wanted to enquire, the house was already surrounded with fire.

Six of the ladies  in the house were snatched by the fire, but 5 of them died instantly.  The remaining one, Isha, who sustained serious injuries was later taken to the hospital where she ended up being a ghost.

Video Footages in possession of Voice of Salone Newspaper show how the ladies properties were placed on the floor of the compound as a result of the action of their landlord.

The videos also shown the distressful mood the ladies were undergoing in the hands of their landlords. More on this in subsequent editions.




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