For Partaking in Homosexuality… Mohamed Saw and Others Declared Wanted

By Anthony Vandy
This medium has investigated Homosexuality activities involving one Mohamed Saw, Lamin Saw and their Cousin as all of them residing in Freetown.
Report indicated that Mohamed and his brother together with his nephew were engaging in homosexuality for so long to the annoyance of Community members and Religious leaders who have threatened to kill them.
According to report, after Mohamed was suspected of engaging in Homosexuality with his brother, he began to receive threatening messages from unknown individuals through telephone calls and even members of his family.
Their Family disowned them and that caused a mental distress for Mohamed and his brother. “I was depressed when I was disowned by my family members for engaging in homosexual. I later went to see psychiatric doctor, who, told me that I needed to change my attitude if I want to recover from that depression”, Mohamed confided to one of his friends who preferred to remain anonymous.
A Community members who spoke to this press revealed that Mohamed and Lamin together with other young lads in the community were in Lesbian act.
When that information came out, the community and the youths got angry, thereby launching manhunt to get rid of Mohamed and his accomplices, but they were unable to get rid of him, eventually led him and his brother to escape.
Within that period, many gay members were arrested and seriously beaten. But Since then, Mohamed Saw and his brother disappeared in thin air and their whereabouts were unknown.
Sources say that Mohamed fleeced with his brother to Big Wharf neighborhood. Eyewitnesses spoken to this press accounted that they last set eyes on Mohamed and his brother when they were packing their belongings from their house at one particular night enroute to unknown locations.
Speaking to Big Wharf community Chief, Pa Alimamy, stated that “This particular family has been declared wanted for engaging in homosexuality which the community seriously frowns at”. He said that the situation is beyond his control and that the youths in the community have taken it upon themselves to chase out all homosexual members.
He stressed that whenever Mohamed Saw is found, he should pay the bad price for his act, that will result him to be dead, adding that much was expected from him as he is a promising child and under age.
Speaking with the community Youth leader, David Monrovia said that the country and their religion leaders frown at the such practices, describing those people who have engaged in such practices as a pollution to the community and that they must not allow to stay there.
He ended up calling on the government to take strong action against the practices and prosecute whosoever that involved in it including Mohamed Saw.
David added that “We are so scared for our kids and the generation yet unborn and if this practice is not stopped, it would be problematic for the future of our youths”.
Speculations are rife that Mohamed had escaped the country to seek refuge in safe haven.
This particular matter is under the investigation at the Sierra Leone Police pending the day they will be caught.
This press will keep updating the public on the outcome of any development if Mohamed Saw is found in SierraLeone.
Homosexuality is a taboo in SierraLeone and is widely condemned by society.
When anyone is caught in this act, he is expected to face serious punishment.