News and Current Affairs

No Manufacturing & Expiry Date on Beeta Kola Liquor …A case For Consumer Commission

By VOS Writer

The issue of improper labelling of product has becoming a norm to many merchandises, producers, and manufacturers of goods in Sierra Leone. Producers are finding solace in this act by bastardazing the law at their own peril and at the detriment of the consumers.

One such company that has come under the radar for such act is G. Shankerdas & Sons who produced Beeta Kola liquor.

Based on investigation carried out by this press, it came out glaringly that there is a missing manufacturing and expiry date on all of Shankerdas Beeta kola liquor. While other features are in the product, the producer failed to affix manufacturing and expiry date in it and that  has created room for suspicious about the quality, and lifespan of the product.

To enquire about what prompted the company to leave behind the manufacturing and expiry date of its product, this medium contacted representative from Shankerdas, Mr. Nekhill K Pandey, who failed to give any valid reason for their action, but shed light about the grade of their product as a prerequisite for its quality. “Not all alcohol has a manufacturing and expiry date”, Nikhil told Voice of Salone Newspaper, asserting that their product has a high grade content with best quality.

An expert in goods interviewed by this press revealed how it is unacceptable for goods to be distributed in the market without  manufacturing and expiry date.

Speaking purposely about the production process alcohol and its lifespan, he stated that  All alcoholic beverages are produced through fermentation, which is the  ore chemical process by which live yeast consume sugars found in ingredients like fruit, grains, or tubers and convert them into ethanol and carbon dioxide.

He added that in as much as alcoholic drinks are produced using different ingredients and processes, but affixing of manufacturing and expiring date on alcoholic drinks is a essential component that determines the quality and shelf life of the product.

Talking to the media Representative of Standard Bureau, Solomon Rogers, he underscored with the point that all goods including alcoholic drinks must have a manufacturing and expiry date, noting that it is unacceptable for goods without manufacturing and expiry date to be traded in the market.


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