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NASSIT Engages the Media on Informal Sector Scheme

NASSIT Engages the Media on Informal Sector Scheme

NASSIT Engages the Media on Informal Sector Scheme

By Sulaiman T Jalloh

In a bid to share ideas of a scheme that will be beneficial to all informal sector players, the National Social Security and Insurance Trust(NASSIT) on Friday 10th March, 2023 held a one day Press Workshop with members of the fourth estate at the Galliness Paradise Hotel in the southern part of Bo District with

the theme of the workshop: Moving into the informal sector and the role of the press. The event attracted journalists from various media houses including the print and electronic media.

Speaking during the workshop, the Managing Director of NASSITM Mohamed Fuaad Daboh, thanked the media for always being in the great journey of NASSIT, and described the media as key players towards the growth of NASSIT.

“The Media and NASSIT have been in partnership for many years. The Media is key towards the growth of NASSIT and that is why we are engaging them every now and then and this year we decided to take a different approach to engage the press”, said the Managing Director of NASSIT.

He  also said that NASSIT decided to organize  this press workshop to share ideas on how they can effectively manage the informal sector with a positive outcome.

He quoted article 22 and 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enacted by the United Nations which states that access to social security is a basis right, and also referenced the ”Social Security(Minimum Standards) convention 102” adopted by the international Labor Organization (ILO) in 1952 which prescribes minimum standards for benefits in the important areas of social security.

The NASSIT Managing Director, Mohamed Fuaad Daboh underscored that Social protection is a key element of our national strategy to promote human capital development, political stability and inclusive growth and underscoring how that is one of the main policy challenges in achieving sustainable growth and decent employment and social protection.

According to him, up to date the only effective and sustainable social protection arrangement we have as a nation is NASSIT, which was established some 21 years ago by the late President Ahmed Tejan kabbah of blessed memory.

The Minister of Labour and Social Security, Alpha Osman Timbo, on his Submission, told the gathering that the SLPP Government is now championing a scheme that will provide Social protection for the majority of the working population of this Country. He said social protection is a Human Rights issue and should be enjoyed without discrimination. It also provides a basic level of benefits to enable individuals and families to acquire essential health care, basic shelter and housing, water sanitation, Food and basic education.

It is against such a backdrop that the New Direction Government led by His Excellency President Julius Maada Bio is  very  determined and would not shy in implementing its ambitious development agenda covering all sectors of the country as contained in its 2018 Manifesto and Medium-Term National Development Plan.

“We believe that establishing a Social Insurance Scheme for the greater majority of the population is a step in the right direction. It is so, because the laws of our land, as enshrined in Chapter 2, Sub-Sections 8 & 9 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone Act No. 6 of 1991 makes it a right to all citizens”, he maintained.

Minister Timbo furthered that his Ministry and in collaboration with several stakeholders, including our major Development Partners is not only pushing for an all-encompassing Social Protection Act but also establishing a working Social Insurance Scheme for Informal Sector Workers.

“As a nation, we are signatories to different international statutes that will guarantee social protection for our citizens, and to that, I want to state here clearly that this government is and will be committed to upholding every law and agreement… With full support from all stakeholders, both local and international; We have been able to review all existing social protection policies; established the gaps in them and developed a Bill. When the Bill is enacted, it will be the Mother of All Legislations in this country that will definitely fill all the gaps left behind by existing legislations”, said the Minister of Labour during the workshop.

He also said that NASSIT and ILO are working closely to jointly developed roadmap with agreed timelines for laws dealing with social protection to be implemented in SierraLeone.

On his part, SLAJ Vice President, Sahr James Gbanga reiterated the importance of bringing onboard the informal sector to be part of NASSIT. He also pleaded with colleague journalists to do their best and popularize the proposed NASSIT informal Sector Scheme.

“This scheme will contain incentives that informal sector players, employers, and employees will see very beneficial”, he added and expressed hope that by the end of April this year, the scheme will come into force.



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