Case File Disappears in Ross Road Court No.1
Case File Disappears in Ross Road Court No.1

Case File Disappears in Ross Road Court No.1
For the past two weeks now, the case file for the matter between Ibrahim Bah Vs Osman Jabbie, and Mohamed Jabbie from APP-SL which is before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Ross Road Court No.1 has not been seen in court and this has stalled the hearing of the case to proceed to another level.
This Press has reliably learnt that prior to the appearance of the Plaintiff, Ibrahim Bah and the accused persons, Osman Jabbie and Mohamed Jabbie of APP-SL, on the 9th March, 2023, the lawyers for the Defendant, Pauline O’Dwyer, and Rashid Esq. requested for the case file, and their request was granted by the Magistrate, resulting the case file to be taken out of court. Since then, the case file has not been brought back to the Court for hearing of the case.
The case file is said to be taken to DPP for advice and it has been there for over two weeks now with no progress of the the case except adjournment upon adjournment.
In the last appearance on Wednesday 22nd March, 2023, one of the Prosecutors in the Court, outrightly told the Plaintiff that the case file has still not been available in court since it was taken to the DPP for advice by the defense lawyers.
That information ultimately put the plaintiff off and leaving him with the impression that something fishy is going on which has the proclivity of denying him justice.
In view of the above, the onus is now on the court to prove itself and save its name from dragging to the mud.