Political Affairs

Former Mines Minister House To be Forfeited To the State …Appeal Court Rules

On the 18th September, 2023 at the main law court building, Court of Appeal Judges, Honourable Justices Komba Kamanda, Fatmatta Bintu Alhadi (presiding) and Tonia Barnett have in agreement ordered that the property of the former Deputy Minister of Mines, Abdul Ignosi Koroma, be forfeited to the Government of Sierra Leone.

The Commission of Inquiry was set up by the President of Sierra Leone, His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio in line with Constitutional Instrument No. 64 of 2018, pursuant to Section 147 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, Act No. 6 of 1991. Justice Biobele Georgewill was Chairman and Sole Commissioner charged with the responsibility to examine the assets and other related matters in respect of persons who served in the previous administration.

The Appeallant (Abdul Ignosi Koroma) through his lawyer, Ady Macauley, appealed the decision of the Justice Biobele Georgewill led COI on ten grounds.

Abdul Ignosi Koroma was the Deputy Minister of Mines in the All Peoples Congress (APC) led Government.

In their unanimous judgment, the Court of Appeal Judges stated that Abdul Ignosi Koroma’s allowances, salaries and other benefits were not commensurate to the massive house built at Old Railway Line, Teko Road in Makeni City in Bombali District.

“Appeallant’s attempts to justify his acts were not sufficient to discharge the evidential burden,” the Court of Appeal Judges said.

According to Justice Biobele Georgewill, the value of the Deputy Minister of Mines’ massive house at Teko Road is Le.6,400,000,000 and therefore such whopping sum found to be above his legitimate means of incomes, allowances and other legal earnings.

The COI also discovered that the Deputy Minister refused to declare his assets, a breach of the Anti-Corruption Act of 2008 as amended.

In addition, the COI in its March, 2020 report, especially in regard to the sale of shares in Sierra Rutile Company discovered that the actual processes were not followed. The intent was to reportedly dupe the Government of Sierra Leone. The Court of Appeal Judges upheld the findings made by the COI.

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