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For their outstanding contributions to the Bank… RCBank Awards Agents and Customers

It was a milestone event on Friday 11th August, 2023 as Rokel Commercial Bank presented various categories of awards to agents and customers for their outstanding contributions towards the growth and development of the Bank.

The awards presented include: Best Bulk E-korpor user of the year, Best Banking agent of the year, among others.

In his statement, the Acting Director of Research in the Ministry of Finance, Alhaji Abu Komeh, gave a brief objective of RCBank, which he said, was established to provide savings, loans, and transaction, and intimated that since the establishment of the bank it has branches in many parts of the country, stressing how that is a plus for a local bank to have branches  in many parts of the country.

He continued by stating RCbank has gotten a rapid growth in the country with a large customers base. He also spoke about the services offered by the Bank like the Simkorpor, E-Korpor, Agency banking and many more, which he said, are all user friendly and have helped to increase the usage of financial services in Sierra Leone.

He also singled out the E-korpor service which has encouraged people who do not have an account with the bank to do transaction.

“I don’t have an account with RCbank, but am using the E-korpor service to do my transaction”, he said, revealing how the service is user friendly and reliable.

He calls on the Bank to put more efforts in place and target more users via creative visibility especially the informal sector.

He also spoke about the payment switch system launched by the Government which is aimed at leveraging the existing financial infrastructures and also called on the Bank to continue to embrace this drive for more investment in the country.

“This fiber optic internet launched by the government is aimed at serving the people conveniently and ensure that financial Service providers make life easier for their consumers through different products”, he added.

Announcing the names of the various awardees, RCbank Public Relations Officer, Aruna Dumbuya, called the names of the various awardees to come forward and take their awards.

Andrew Sitati Afenet became RCbank Best E-Korpor Bulk User of the Year, Edisson Sandi Koroma emerged as Best RCbank Agent of the Year and others were also recognised for their contributions to the bank.

Receiving the award, Andrew Afenet, said he has been using the RCbank E-korpor for bulk payment of trainees and staff for his institution about four years now.

“As a Trainer, my institution see the need to pay our trainees and staff through the E-korpor service, which I welcomed wholeheartedly as it is easy and reliable”, he said, noting that he is happy for the service, because it helps to prevent corruption.

He also rated the E-Korpor to be ontop of situation as it helps to make transaction more easier and dealing with multiple problems in respect of transaction.
He concluded by expressed appreciations for the award and threw light on  the good customer relationship his institution has been enjoying with the Bank.

Mr. Edison Sandi Koroma from Portloko was awarded as Best Banking Agent of the Year.  Receiving the award, Mr. Edison said he started his Agency business since the introduction of the agency banking by Rokel Commercial Bank and, has since then, he been very active in the business.

At the beginning of the business, he said, it was very challenging because of lack of understanding of the service by the people, but along the line, he was able to overcome as people began to patronize with him.

He said he was able to succeed based on the encouragement he had been giving to his customers by dishing out his numbers.

“At the start of the business, it was very challenging, but I was able to overcome”, he said, noting that as time goes on and with support from the bank; he succeeded in winning the heart and minds of many customers and that has helped his business to pick up automatically.

He described the agency banking as simple as it promotes transparency, stating with the use of the service can be easy without delay.

He concluded by stating that for the business to kick up he embarks on alot of sensitization wherein he requested to the bank to enable his agency to open account for the people of Portloko who do not have account with the bank as that has enabled him to get more business than ever.

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