For Breach of Agreement… NGC To Drag SLPP To Court

By Kelvin Jay
Plans are underway by some NGC members to take the Sierra Leone People’s Party to court for breach of agreement.
It could be recalled that prior to the 2018 General Elections, the leadership of NGC headed by Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, signed an alliance with the SLPP to work together for President Bio Second Term victory. That alliance was considered as a marriage of convenience between both parties.
During the signing of the alliance, the NGC Leader, Dr. Kandeh Yumkella, said: “This decision demonstrates our unwavering dedication to placing the interest of nation first and collaborating to create a brighter future and more prosperous future for all our people…This decision was not made lightly, but rather it Is as a result of deliberations and shared vision for our nation’s future”, said Kandeh Yumkella.
In the midst of signing the alliance with the SLPP, the Leadership of NGC Presented a Proposal for the appointment of its members into Ministerial, Deputy and Ambassadorial Positions after President Bio has won and that proposal was agreed upon by the SLPP which subsequently led to the signing of the alliance between the two parties.
Two months down the line, much has not been done for NGC Members in the area of Presidential Appointment except for Kandeh Yumkella who had been appointed as Chairman of Presidential Initiative on Food Security, Renewable Energy, and Climate Change.
This ugly development made many NGC members to be disgruntled as they are planning to seek redress in court for breach of agreement.
According to an audio purportedly coming from the Chairman of NGC, Jesmed Suma, he vented out his frustration on how his party has been sidelined in the area of Presidential appointment, stating that President Bio has acted contrary to what has been agreed upon and threatened to take court action against the SLPP for failing to honor their own part of the agreement.