
Bio Gives Fake Promise To ADP

President Bio has given fake promise to members of the Alliance Democratic Party(ADP) that if he is re-elected in 2023, he will appoint some of their members into strategic positions in his Government.

Prior to the 2023 elections, President Bio cajoled the leadership of the ADP to throw their weight behind him for his second term victory.

He succeeded in winning the ADP over as they were with him throughout his campaign to win the hearts and minds of voters to vote for him.

Since his re-election, President Bio is yet to put his words into action and this has left members of the ADP with the impression that the President has faked them.

According to insider sources, the office of the President held a meeting with the ADP leadership to encourage them to wait as they are closer to the hearts of the President. Since that meeting, no  appointment was made for any ADP members into the Government of President Bio and this has put the ADP members in the darkroom.

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