Accountability & Transparency at play… Bo District Council Commences Audit Examination for 2022 Financial Year
Accountability & Transparency at play… Bo District Council Commences Audit Examination for 2022 Financial Year

Accountability & Transparency at play…
Bo District Council Commences Audit Examination for 2022 Financial Year
On Monday 27th February, 2023 at the institution’s headquarters, Bo District Council received a team of Auditors from the Audit Service Sierra Leone (ASSL) who has started auditing the council for the 2022 financial year.
Section 119(2) of the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone gives the Auditor General the mandate to audit the Bo District Council and the right to have access to all its books and other documents necessary to complete the audit process.
The financial statements of the Bo District Council for the year ended 31st December 2022 are subjected to audit by the Auditor General in line with Section 88(2) of the Local Councils Act of 2004 as amended in 2022.
Welcoming the team headed by Senior Assistant Auditor General South, the Chief Administrator, Abdul Koroma, intimated that this meeting is held as a result of Bo District Council submitted its Financial Statement for the year ended 31st December, 2022. He assured the auditing team that Bo District Council is ready to cooperate with the auditing process.
Speaking at the Initial Conference, Joseph Munda Bindi, Chairman of Bo District Council, said this is the last audit for Bo District under his stewardship as Chairman and maintained that the Council under his tenure has been able to produce its Financial Statement within the stipulated time.
Giving an overview of the visit, the Principal Auditor, Mohamed Alie Kallon, said, it is by law that Bo District Council is to be audited as enshrined in the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone and that the audit of the Council is not only about the Chief Administrator and Finance Officer, it is for everybody working with and receiving funds for the Council which includes Devolved Sectors Staff as well. He said the Audit of the Council will last for four weeks. He continued that, for the FY2021, Bo District Council got appraisal from the ASSL and therefore encouraged them to continue with that trend.
Assuring the team, the Finance Officer, Bo District Council, Abdul Bangura, said the Council is prepared and ready to provide all relevant documents required by law for the purpose of accountability in the disbursement of funds to maintain the credibility of the Council.